
New day, new worry

Shernie, possibly the sweetest cat ever alive, will not eat. Agrrr... New day, whole new kitty problem. Shernie has always been a greedy cat. She will do ANYTHING for food. Beg, coax, steal or do tricks. All the cats can do tricks like sit and paw but Shernie does it with gusto and complete willingness. If this action end off with the promise of food (however little), Shernie will do it. Cats are prideful? Not greedy (and sweet) Shernie.

Shernie is one sweet, greedy cat

When we first rescued her from the shelter, she will literally gobble up her food. She was always the first to finish! We could only conclude that she was really scared of being abandoned and left hungry again. As she settled in, she ate with more leisure and confidence that all the food in her bowl is truly her's and that he next meal will surely come.

Happy and Contented

I did not put her in. But that random t-shirt was my doing.

While waiting for the new house to be ready, we stay in my parents at their flat temporarily. A bit hard with 4 cats but it will soon be over. Shernie being the expert at tugging heartstrings is the only cat let out in the living room to be with my parents when we are not at home. My parents are the biggest softies in the world and are no match for Shernie's puss-in-boots eyes. End result: Shernie gets a lot of food a day and is usually not too excited by the time I come home and feed everyone at night. I assumed she was being fussy because she was getting treats all day. But a few days ago, my parents went on holiday and Shernie is still rather disinterested in food till today. Worried! =[

I usually feed the cats dry food mixed with water. My reason: dry food is more packed with nutrition per gram but with little water content. To ensure kitties get the moisture they need and prevent any kidney or bladder problems, water is added to their dry food. They usually lap it up but there are fussy days when they look at you and hope for just dry food or a can of wet food.

So today, I gave Shernie only dry food. To test if she was just fussy or really not eating. She ate a few kibbles and left and had to be coaxed to finish her bowl. Shernie is still excited about feeding time though because she came running when she heard me move the bowls. I'm just confused. I've narrowed it down that if she is still excited at meal time, she must probably be fussy about the food or she might be having discomfort in her mouth or digestive system? Discomfort in mouth is highly likely as Shernie has a habit of chewing things. She has chewed through some $1000+ worth of laptop and handphone chargers and piano cables etc. She came to us bogeh (no teeth). Was she abandoned for her only bad habit? Only she will know the story.

I intend to continue to monitor her and feed her different foods to see her reaction. If she is really not eating at all, that is cause for worry and a visit to the vet is due.

Is it to the vet again? I don't really like that guy.

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